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Product group:
Suunnittelu- ja konsulttipalvelut - Design and consultancy services
Tietojärjestelmät, tiedonhallinta, digitalisaatio - Information systems, information management, digitization
Uudet energiateknologiat ja innovaatiot - New energy technologies and innovations
Älykkäät energiaratkaisut, älyverkot, kysyntäjousto - Smart energy solutions, smart grids, demand flexibility



We are a pioneer in bespoke energy solutions and elevate your energy efficiency leveraging of new technologies to ensure clients achieve optimal efficiency and cost-savings. We offer comprehensive services from design to installation of boilers and energy systems. By merging decades of industry expertise with advanced analytics, our clients benefit from tailor-made solutions that not only meet but exceed their energy requirements. With 2ndRound, customers experience unparalleled energy performance, reduced operational costs, and innovative, future-proof solutions powered by AI.