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Welcome to Energy 2024 as an exhibitor!

The industry’s best contacts at your fingertips

Welcome to the Energy trade fair on October 22-24 in Tampere. The biennial, largest energy event in Finland brings together energy production, power transmission and storing, energy users, and environmental and circular economy and real estate decision makers under the same roof in October. The event will showcase sustainable, smart, productive, and modern solutions to the energy transition.

The Energy 2022 event was aimed at professionals in energy production, energy companies and industry, manufacturing, and energy decision-makers in large, public, and industrial properties. During the event, Energy Day will be organized together with the World Energy Council Finland and the Energy Congress together with the Maintenance Association Promaint.

Energy 2024 will be the largest energy event, featuring the entire industry and all forms of energy.

Exhibit at Energy 2024

Book your stand now and become an exhibitor at the pioneering Energy Event of Finland! There are a limited number of booths, so act fast. During the event, you will meet leading players and decision makers in the energy field and present your solutions to the industry’s transformation to other event attendees.

Product groups

The fair will feature:

  • Energy production and storage
  • Energy transfer and management
  • Efficient use of energy
  • New smart energy solutions, e.g. hydrogen
  • A clean transition

Visitor target groups

  • The energy sector as a whole, designers, builders, producers, storers, movers and large consumers.
  • Significant consumers of energy, such as industry, the public sector and large real estate.
  • Entities working with energy technology, new solutions and innovation work.
  • All different forms of energy are comprehensively included.

Key figures 2022

Visitor satisfaction and decision-making roles

Contact us

We will help you succeed – get in touch, and we will find the most suitable way for you to participate in the fair!

Conversations at the Energy event


At eShop, you can handle all orders related to your participation in the fair.