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Pohjois-Savon Energiaklusteri – Energy Cluster North Savo
Product group:
Energiantuotannon ja -jakelun järjestelmät - Energy production and distribution systems
Energiantuotanto - Energy production
Energiatehokkuus ja energiansäästö (teollisuus ja kiinteistöt) - Energy efficiency and energy saving (industry and real estate)
Hankkeet, projektit ja rahoitus - Projects and finance
Hiilineutraalit ratkaisut - Carbon neutral solutions
Koulutus, oppilaitokset, julkaisut - Education, educational institutions, publications
Tulevaisuuden työnantaja - Rekry päällä! - The employer of the future - Recruiting!
Uudet energiateknologiat ja innovaatiot - New energy technologies and innovations
Uusiutuva energia - Renewable energy
Vetytalous – Hydrogen Economy
Vihreä siirtymä – Green transition

Pohjois-Savon Energiaklusteri – Energy Cluster North Savo


Energy Cluster North Savo serves as the basis of sustainable cooperation and ecosystem. The aim of the cluster actions is to strengthen the vitality of the ecosystem of the energy sector; to promote members' transactions in the green transition, to activate RDI activities and new innovation as well as networking. The cluster and its members are respected innovative pioneers in their field and sustainability is part of their activities and values.

Come and meet kluster team and the companies participating in the joint fair stand:

- Oy Clean Flame Ltd
- Savonia University of Applied Sciences,
- Sorsakosken Konepaja Oy,
- Oy U-Cont Ltd and
- Warmnet Oy!

Navitas Kehitys Oy (Project main implementer/ communication/ planning)

Kirsi Kinnunen, Cluster Manager, Energy Cluster North Savo.

Pia Nevalainen, Project Assistant. Energy Cluster North Savo

Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Innovation and technological development)

Jarno Ruusunen, Research and Development Manager

Laura Leppänen, RDI Expert

Petteri Heino,  RDI Expert (machine and energy industry)

Savo Vocational College/ SAKKY (Competence development)

Risto Korhonen, Trainer (technology)

Esa Varis, Teacher (Mechanical and Production Engineering)