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Allstars Engineering Group
Product group:
Energiantuotannon ja jakelun laitteet, komponentit ja varusteet - Energy production and distribution equipment, components and supplies
Energiatehokkuus ja energiansäästö (teollisuus ja kiinteistöt) - Energy efficiency and energy saving (industry and real estate)
Kiertotalous ja ympäristöteknologia - Circular economy and environmental technology
Käyttö, kunnossapito, huolto - Operation, maintenance, service
Muut alan palvelut ja tukitoiminnot - Other services and support activities
Suunnittelu- ja konsulttipalvelut - Design and consultancy services
Teollisuuden energiaratkaisut – Energy solutions for industry
Tulevaisuuden työnantaja - Rekry päällä! - The employer of the future - Recruiting!
Uudet energiateknologiat ja innovaatiot - New energy technologies and innovations
Uusiutuva energia - Renewable energy
Vetytalous – Hydrogen Economy
Vihreä siirtymä – Green transition

Allstars Engineering Group


Allstars Engineering Group is a reliable and innovative engineering and consulting company established in 1983. Our head office is located in Turku, Finland. In addition to this our Finnish offices are located in Rauma and Tampere and our European subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Croatia and Poland. Together we employ directly over 125 employees and have a pool of altogether over 150 technical experts.

The engineering sectors we operate in are Industrial, Marine and Offshore sectors. Our Services: Machinery and equipment design, Lay-out and plant design, Steel construction design, Strength analyses, Piping and outfitting design, CFD calculation Industrial HVAC design, Electric design, Shipbuilding engineering. Site services: installation and start-up advisors.

Reliable engineering supplier in pulp,
paper and energy industry:

  • Piping design
  • Machinery and equipment design
  • Steel construction design

Industrial HVAC design engineering.

Lay-out and plant design.

Workshop drawings.

Expert services  for site:

  • Installation advisors
  • Process start-up engineers.
  • Technical advisors
  • Project coordinators
  • Design engineers
  • Technical experts



Flow simulation.

Piping stress anylysis.