- Product group:
- Käyttö, kunnossapito, huolto - Operation, maintenance, service
- Tietojärjestelmät, tiedonhallinta, digitalisaatio - Information systems, information management, digitization
- Uudet energiateknologiat ja innovaatiot - New energy technologies and innovations
- Älykkäät energiaratkaisut, älyverkot, kysyntäjousto - Smart energy solutions, smart grids, demand flexibility
- Booth:
- A342
In today’s fast-evolving industries, PlantSys stands as a transformative Business Intelligence to Intelligent Business solution, initially designed for energy sector’s automated boiler plants but now looking to revolutionise all manufacturing sectors. It offers complete remote control, real-time process visualisation, and leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for cognitive data capture and analysis, seamlessly integrating with both physical and digital infrastructure for enhanced operational agility, visibility, and efficiency. PlantSys isn’t just a tool; it’s a strategic partner in your digital transformation journey, providing the insights needed for informed decision-making, fostering growth and innovation.